The average British meat-eater will wolf down 2,771 sausages, 1,491 steaks and 1,469 burgers during their adult years, according to new research.
Carnivores will enjoy 1,592 chicken legs, 1,006 meatballs and 789 lamb chops as a grown-up.
While respondents will tuck into 1,585 cooked breakfasts, 160 barbeques and eat a combined 1.4 tonnes of lamb, pork and beef mince.
Commissioned by sausage makers debbie&andrew’s [corr], the research of 2,000 meat eaters also found seven in 10 people aim to eat meat every day.
Ian Bagnall from debbie&andrew’s said: “This survey provides a fascinating insight into how people still love to have a properly meaty meal.
“Britain has a tradition of producing fantastic meat so perhaps it’s no surprise that millions of us get so much enjoyment from it.
“In fact, around two-thirds of people polled said it is important to them where the meat they buy comes from – with 81 per cent saying they typically buy British.”
Meat-eaters savour 4,680 roast dinners – including 962 beef, 709 pork, 149 chicken, 260 venison, 593 lamb, 260 pheasant and 405 turkey roast meals.
Just 16 percent of carnivores have tried being a vegetarian – with 38 per cent enticed back to meat thanks to the smell of bacon and sausages.
Of those polled, six in 10 say they don’t envisage their love of meat lessening – in fact, five percent of reckon they’ll increase the amount they eat over a lifetime.
And four in 10 carnivores said they even feel a sense of disappointment when they receive a meal which doesn’t include meat.
Meat-eaters are gobbling down a combined total of 10,037 slices of turkey, chicken, ham, beef and pork – along with 3,285 rashers of bacon.
Chicken drumsticks are enjoyed 1,295 times during adult years, while 579 slices of black pudding and 1,122 gammon steaks will also be eaten.
Roast dinners are the most popular traditional British dish among meat eaters – with 66 per cent of respondents putting it number one.
While the most popular meat-based accompaniment to a roast dinner is pigs in blankets – sausages wrapped in bacon – with an average of 637 eaten during the typical adult lifetime.
Meat-eaters consume more sausages than burgers and prefer pork sausages to any other meat, Cumberland sausages are the favourite regional variety – while pork and apple is the most popular flavour.
debbie&andrew’s Ian Bagnall said: “Ahead of British Sausage Week it is great to know that sausages remain a firm favourite for British meat eaters.
“Also, as our sausages only use meat from British Red Tractor farms, we very much welcome the fact that people really care where their meat comes from.”
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